Page 16 - Solar
P. 16

Solar Energy Production

The Solar Energy Market

The Solar Energy market has been defying global exponential growth in the sector if the current political 
recession for the past three years to continue to grow will and financial backing continue to allow the 

from strength to strength. In 2009, in spite of the global renewable sector to realise its potential.*
recession the PV market continued to grow by almost 
* Projected growth in the PV market,
15% and the total power installed in the World increased 2010-2015
by 45% up to 22.9 GW.

In 2010 due to the continuing strong growth experienced 

in Italy and Germany the EIPA (European Photovoltaic 
Industry Association) revised its figures predicting that the 

World PV Market could reach between 10.1 GW (in a 

moderate scenario) and 15.5 GW (in a policy driven 
scenario) of new installations. To put this into context this 

would be enough energy to power over 15,000,000 

Projections based on moderate expectations show a 

steady increase in the size of the PV market over the next 
5-10 years while the best case scenario shows possible

MWs Projected growth in the PV market, 2010-2015 


Best Case Mid Case Worst Case







2006 2007
2008 2009
2010 2011
2012 2013 2014 2015

WARNING: These figures are estimates only. They are not a reliable guide to future performance 

of your investment.


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