Page 15 - Solar
P. 15



How does Solar PV work?
The Kyoto Protocol

Sunlight is captured by the Photovoltaic Panels where The Kyoto Protocol is a legally binding agreement 
an electric current is generated by the solar cells.
adopted by 37 industrialised countries in 1997 as part of 
l the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate 
Direct Current (DC) is produced which is then 
converted to Alternating Current (AC), which is used Change (UNFCCC). The UNFCCC is an international 

with home appliances and on the utility grid, by an treaty intended to bring countries together to reduce 
global warming after 150 years of industrialisation.
While the treaty is not binding the Protocol commits the 
The voltage of the electrical current is increased by a 
transformer for efficient transport to the Grid and on ratifying countries to reducing emissions of six 

to the domestic consumer.
greenhouse gasses that contribute to global warming 
l (carbon dioxide, methane, nitrous oxide, sulphur 
The electricity passes through meters, where it is 
quantified, and on to the Grid.
hexafluoride, Hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs), and 

Perflurinated Compounds (PFCs)) and imposes stringent 
penalties on countries that fail to meet their targets.
What is Solar Radiation?
The penalties in Europe will be €40 per tonne of 

Solar radiation refers to the visible and near-visible (ultra- greenhouse gas emitted above the allowed quota and 

violet and near-infrared) radiation emitted by the sun. from 2012 on, shortfalls will be added onto any new 
target and multiplied by 1.3. These penalties make 
Solar energy is created at the core of the sun when 
hydrogen atoms are fused into helium by nuclear fusion reduction of greenhouse gas emissions a matter of vital 

Gravity pulls the mass of the sun inwards creating strategic importance to governments of the participating 
pressure so intense that nuclear fusion occurs, releasing countries and this has led to widespread incentivisation 

massive amounts of energy. Through the process of PV for renewable energy schemes. Tax breaks, Feed-in tariffs 

this energy can be harnessed and converted into and other schemes are operating throughout Europe and 
electricity making use of a freely occurring resource to across the developed World that make investment in the 

generate clean and renewable energy in an affordable renewable energy sector a highly attractive prospect at 

and environmentally friendly way. At any given location this time.
the commercial viability of employing this technology will 

depend on a number of factors such as the geographic 

location, aspect, shade and climate.


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