Page 14 - Solar
P. 14

Solar Energy Production

What is Photovoltaic Technology?
throughout Europe with up to 90% gearing. This 

represents an industry spend in excess of €35 Billion in 
Photovoltaics (PV) is the field of technology and research 2010 alone.

related to the practical application of photovoltaic cells 
(also known as solar cells) in producing electricity directly Solar Farms and Rooftop 

from light. Certain materials demonstrate a property Installations
known as the photoelectric effect which causes them to 

generate an electric current when light shines on them. Groups of installations on one site have become known 
Simple light sensors make use of PV by containing solar 
as solar parks. Bringing installations together offers the 
cells which generate a small current when light shines on advantage of important savings through shared costs of 
them to activate a motor or trip a switch elsewhere in a 
security, maintenance and management. Matching 
circuit. PV can also be used on a much larger scale to increased technical performance to practical cost cutting 

harness the energy of Solar Radiation by converting the has been the key success of solar energy production.
light energy into electricity. Solar Panels are made up of 
Rooftop installations are often smaller in terms of total 
interconnected solar cells which generate a current when 
light shines on them, efficiently and cleanly generating power than solar farms but their advantages include 
making use of unused and unseen spaces in urban 
electricity from the energy of the sun.
locations with easy grid access and increased Feed-in- 
The Technology

Solar 21 Energy Management
Improvements in solar cell efficiency and longevity have 
helped turn solar energy into an important contributor to 
Solar installations require technical and operational 
the electricity grids of both Germany and Italy. Technical 
warranties from manufacturers not only guaranteeing supervision. Through remote web based monitoring and 
security systems Solar 21 managers are the first 
their products from defects but also a high level of 
efficiency throughout their working lives have made responders to dips in performance, delays in corrective 
maintenance and breaches in security. Managers also deal 
panels reliable and bankable. Better AC/DC inverters and 
with market leading banks, insurers, accountants, lawyers 
transformers have also contributed to higher and service providers to ensure smooth running of the 
performance levels to such an extent that the German 
installations not only on a technical but also a business 
Federal Bank has financed hundreds of solar parks

‘Of the total amount of energy produced by the Sun, 

only 45 one-billionths of a percent reaches the Earth. 

But just one hour’s worth of that tiny fraction is enough energy 

to power the entire planet for a year. Amazing! To put it another 

way, we only need to capture 0.02% of the solar energy that 

hits the Earth, to completely power the planet! ’ 

Source: Out Island Energy Solar Energy Specialists.


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