+353 1 295 8986
The Alliance
At The Gasworks, South Lotts Road
The Alliance, centrepiece of The Gasworks development by Royceton, is Dublin’s most iconic apartment building, housed within the original gasometer. The logo created, used minimal brush strokes to suggest the form of its structure. A large square brochure reflected the proportions of the project and allowed for expansive photographs of the completed innovative regeneration.
Large square brochure reflected the proportions of the project and allowed for expansive photographs of the completed, innovative regeneration
Royceton Ltd
Brochure, signage and press advertising
High-end tactile finishes and premium coated boards reinforce the sense of quality and innovation of the project
Design Image, Brookwood, 54 Kilgobbin Heights, Stepaside, Dublin 18, D18 A2T1 Ireland