Page 6 - Solar
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About Solar 21


olar 21’s headquarters in Dublin manages and develops solar farms and installations 

using photovoltaic (PV) technology. Active in Germany and Italy, Solar 21’s dual mission is 

to optimise its clients’, and its own, solar energy investments while exploring new 

opportunities in its sector. In the current international climate of heightened awareness of 

green issues, Solar 21 aims to establish itself as a market leader in the analysis and 

development of solar-based solutions to the energy challenges of the next century.

Unlike other investment offerings in the market still in participate in the Investment should be received no later 

start-up mode, Solar 21 has a number of large solar than 31 August 2011 or such later date as the Manager 
farms in excess of 1MW already constructed and grid in its absolute discretion shall determine.

The Manager of the Investment is Sonnengeld Limited 
With strong ties to the financial services sectors in Ireland trading as Solar 21. The target investment return is 10% 

and the UK, Solar 21 is uniquely capable of bringing simple interest. The investment is deemed to be high risk 

government led incentives with sovereign guarantees as this is a geared product, in that the investment is 
and private sector initiative together successfully.
made up of equity provided by the investors and bank 

loans. However, the loans are limited recourse (this 
The Investment has been established for the purpose of 
affording Participants the opportunity to invest in the means that the only security is the project). As a 
consequence of Solar 21’s contacts in the Solar Energy 
Investment Company. The Investment will seek to raise 
market we can source high growth investment 
equity up to a maximum of €100,000,000 for the 
purpose of investing in, and the expansion of a portfolio opportunities for the product that would qualify for 
Pension investment. As such, Solar 21 is well placed to 
of Photovoltaic facilities primarily in Europe, a large 
take advantage of its close relationships with these 
proportion of this target already having been achieved.
businesses for the purposes of securing investment into 
The focus of the Investment is on income generation the suitably qualified companies which fall within the 

through investment in ethically and ecologically oriented scope the investment strategy.
and socially sustainable facilities. Applications to


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